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Its main business is provisioning maritime transportation for liquid bulkcargo.
People are very sensitive when it comes to any bulkcargo with high moisture.
TCI Seaways division caters to coastal cargo requirements for transporting container and bulkcargo.
The paddle-boats can hardly be used for bulkcargo.
We are now getting more, bigger liners, but also very large bulkcargo ships, said Hines.
Usage of bulk commodity in English
By this time the most valuable bulkcommodity in the inner Solar System had become light elements, gathered from cometary nuclei.
This was part of his plan to focus the group on fast-growing speciality sweeteners and to move away from bulkcommodity products.
Go back to the 1960s, we exported bulkcommodity-type agricultural products to the UK, and we have been doing that ever since.
The best prices are found at feed dealers where kelp meal is considered a bulkcommodity useful as an animal food supplement.
Chinese Government stimulus focused on boosting infrastructure building and therefore demand for the bulkcommodity is also keeping the iron ore price high.
That demand highlights how China's prolonged war on pollution is shaking global markets for iron ore, the world's most heavily traded bulkcommodity.
Export earnings are then forecast to edge back to $238bn in 2019-20, as bulkcommodity prices fall modestly.
Xstrata, one of the world's biggest base metals and coal miners, has only dabbled in iron ore, a fast-growing bulkcommodity used to make steel.
Its Bulkcommodities include grain, coal, potash, fertilizers and sulfur.
The shipping business is involved in transportation of crude oil, petroleum products, gas and dry bulkcommodities.
Its vessels transport a range of major and minor bulkcommodities, including ores, coal, grains and fertilizers.
The source of the report was stated as industry pricing and data provider CBC, or China BulkCommodity.
The Company is focused on the transport and transshipment of dry bulkcommodities, including iron ore, coal and grain.
Mumbai-based Great Eastern Shipping is engaged in transportation of crude oil, petroleum and gas products, as well as dry bulkcommodities.
A downturn in forward indicators of coal, iron ore and steel prices is ominous, say shipping firms and bulkcommodities traders.
The transport segment owns and operates the port, rail and toll road assets moving freight, bulkcommodities and passengers across five continents.